Update on Therapys

So our one year IFSP meeting is this Friday so i thought I would update on what therapies Ryan is currently getting and what each is working on. An IFSP is "the vehicle through which effective early intervention is implemented in accordance with Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA). It contains information about the services necessary to facilitate a child's development and enhance the family's capacity to facilitate the child's development".

Currently Ryan is doing:

MON - PT with M - working alot on the ball still to increase trunk strength and head control. Ryan hates it!

TUES - PT with Susan, who is really an OT but seems to work more on gross motor stuff. Im suspecting that until he gets his core strength better then they cant work on the fine motor, as the strength, control etc goes from trunk out to extremities

WED - PT with M & DI with S

THUR - PT with Susan &DI with S

FRI - Free!

After the meeting on Friday Marilyn will come back and write up a report that she wants me to show the neurologist at CHOP. She wants to make it clear that she feels the head drops Ryan experiences are very abnormal in her professional opinion and go beyond simple delayed head control. She was talking to a collegue of hers about these head drops and the collegue mentioned she had experienced them with one other child who recieved a diagnosis from CHOP. Although Ryans head control has improved drastically in the last 2 months its still not 100% and at any time his head can drop forward in a totally uncontrolled manner. To me its as if the connection from the brain to the neck is suddenly broken. Its a little scary when an experienced PT that sees hundreds of kids says shes seen nothing like it before. But I dont want to dwell on the whys, thankfully with time, patience and prayer the head drops are getting less and its so nice to carry him or let him play with a toy without constantly worrying about when his head will suddenly hit the deck.


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