ENT release

Audiology procedure

Ryan failed his hearing screen at school right before summer break so we had to follow up with his ENT to check his hearing once again. 

This time he passed his Tympanometry test which tests his middle ear and the OAE  (OtoAcoustic Emission) was also normal.  OAE or is a wave response produced by the inner hair cell of the cochlea when given a stimulus. The existence of this wave is an indicator that the cochlea is functioning well, and it is directly related to the hearing function. 
YAY!!! Hearing is fine .......... once again ........... 
The ENT removed the final tube that was lying in Ryan's ear canal and off we went. No need to come back again. One specialist off the list!


Unknown said…
Ryan is so precious. I can see so much in his intelligent, sensitive eyes and expression. The new physical therapy looks great!

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