Standing at the standing table ............. he got up there all by himself ................... but wants to play with a toy he needs both hands for ..... so cant hold on ............... come on Ryan, lets take the toy to the carpet .............. give me you hand ............ and just like that hes walking, holding onto just one hand ............ hes doing it all himself......... just leaning on my one hand ............. across the space between his standing table and the couch ............ such a big distance for him ............ around the corner of the couch, stretching out his other little hand to steady himself ............ lets go again ...... oh no, a diet coke can is teetering on the couch armrest ........... what to do??? ........... we could stop, let Ryan sit down, move the DC and resume, but ......... I don't want to stop, I don't want to stop .......... hes walking, just holding onto one hand .......... we continue ....... to hell if the DC spills ....... my 3 year old is walking ............. we get to the carpet, and Ryan gingerly lowers himself down to the floor ........... with a sigh of exhaustion ........... and a huge smile!