Happy 2010

Things I've Learned Over The Past Year...
1) That life throws you curve balls, just when you are least expecting it.
2) That mothers of kids with special needs look just like you and me.
3) That there is this whole other world of parents of children with special needs out there.
4) Ive learned that statistics dont mean jack!
5) Ive learned there is so much more to learn about the brain and doctors are sometimes just winging it.
6) I've learned more about medicine than I ever thought I needed to know.
7) I've learned about that sometimes alternative therapy is better than regular therapy
8) That even on my darkest days the world keeps on turning, and granny was right, this too will pass.
9) I've learned that friends don't have to be physically near, or that you don't even have to have met them in real life. My Internet friends have been one of the most amazing sources of stability in my life through-out this past year. I would not have been half as calm as I am without you all.
10) I've learned that you should relish the little things your kid does.
11)I've learned that I'm a lot stronger then I thought.
12)I've learned that I have the most amazing husband and family, who have cried with me and laughed with me more this year then any year before.
13) Ive learnt its going to be ok .......
14) Ive learned that I need to take better care of me!
I hope everyone has a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!