Dinosaur toy

Ryan was able to put 2 balls in the holes of the dinosaur toy. He has been trying to do this for a couple of couple of months but would get frustrated as he didnt have the strength to hold his arm outstretched in front of him to put the ball in, and yesterday he was able to, TWICE! This is great improvement in his fine motor skills.

Gross motor is still moving along slowly, although i did get an excited call from kristi the babysitter this week to say Ryan had army crawled across the room to get to one of the other little kids. Since then at home he has been moving all around the room, to get to all his toys, making decisions for where he wants to go, what he wants to play with for himself.

I am trying to wean him off his bottle and we are now able to give him his 8oz milk bottle in a large sippy in the afternoons.


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