12 month check up

Today we saw Dr M for Ryan's 12 month checkup. His current stats are:

Head Circ 19 1/4

Height 30 1/4

Weight 22lb 8 oz

I was very happy to hear that his weight is now up to the 25% as it had been down to the 15% at his 9 month appointment, and his head size is continuing on its own curve so the Dr doesnt have any worrys there.

I refused the 12 month vacs and Dr M was OK about it ...... for now ...... but he does want me to get more agressive about finding a diagnosis. He thought it would be a good idea to see a developmental pediatrician and another neurologist. He talked about going to Columbia but Im not ready for that just yet, I think I will try Mountainside Childrens hospital first.

I got a script for a hip xray as the PT was concerned about his chub creases on his legs so I just want to rule hip problems out.


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